Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Off again......

Ok everyone, we are on the road again, or I guess technically "in the air" again. We are flying out tomorrow to go to Louisiana to see my twin nieces graduate from LSU. We are so excited! We will be staying with my sister and her family and my Mom and Papa are already there. My sister commented the other day that this will be the first time since they moved to Louisiana about 10 years ago that the whole family has been together at her house. We all go at different times, so this will be a real rare opportunity to do some family stuff. She is hosting a party for the girls Saturday and I am excited to get to help with that. Please say a word of prayer that we will get there safely, with no travel problems (such as getting stuck in Atlanta again!) and that I will feel better with this allergy/sinus thing I am fighting.

I will be posting pictures of the two most beautiful graduates in the whole wide world as soon as I return!


Cecile said...

Hope you are feeling better! Have FUN!! Congrats to the GRAD!!