Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Time for the Fair!

Have I mentioned I have LOST my Halloween pictures? So ok, if I post them after Christmas you guys will forgive me right????

In the mean time, here are some pictures from our trip to the fair last weekend. We had looked forward to it for a while!

First of all, I just have to say how beautiful I think my daughter is, even when she is sporting her Daddy's ballcap! (She was holding this for him while he rode a ride she was NOT ABOUT to get on! Some sort of flip you upside down thing....not for her!)

I guess we all go to the fair for different things, but I go for the sausage dogs! Yes, I know how bad they are for me, but one a year THAT bad?????

I also really love the lights.....ooooo....aaaahhhhhh.....

Of course my crew loves the rides. I get sick just riding in a car, so I can't handle any rides at all. Except the Merry Go Round, which noone will ride with me has been deemed a "baby" ride by my child....

Another one of my favorite parts is the shows. We watched this one this year where Galaxy Girl climbed to the top of a 12 story pole and did tricks...even a handstand and hanging by one knee. I got so nervous watching her I had to walk off. But I loved it when she teamed up with her cute partners for that whole wheel of death motorcycle thing where they ride around in that wheel. That was too cool!
Galaxy girl has a website too, This chick was awesome! Nuts, but awesome!

David wasn't feeling well enough to go with us, but Kathy went and had a great time. She is one cool Grandma to ride all the stuff she rides! And check out her new hairdo! She is one hot mama!


Debbie said...

Looks like everyone had a wonderful time. We don't go to the fair here because it is so small - the girls can't ride the rides either, they inherited that trait from their mother, aunt, grandmother, they are never interested in going. But, I do love the light! Our fair ended this past Sunday.