Monday, August 17, 2009

My baby is growing up too fast!

Marissa has discovered her hair straightening iron that I bought her last Christmas.............
She looks so grown up!


Debbie said...

WOW-she looks so grown up, too much so, where did my little niece go!!!!!!!!
Her hair is beautiful - but she looks too old :-(

Ladybug said...


Anonymous said...

Her hair is so thick and gorgeous. Lucky girl!

Jamie said...

Yay, lookin' good girl! (Btw grandma it's called a 'flat iron') hee hee
Also, make sure she's keeping up with her conditioner b/c it has a tendency to fry hair if you aren't careful... you probably know this and I'm just a big ol' know it all dork. Shutting up now. ;)