Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Almost 2010...........

I can't believe it is almost New Years Eve, and then we will be in 2010! It seems like just yesterday we were all freaking out about Y2K and thinking the whole world would crash at midnight. This year my DH is working, so it will just be my daughter and me to celebrate. We are planning a real high class affair....some pigs  in the blanket and a bottle of sparkling grape juice while we watch the ball drop at midnight on TV. On New Years Day, DH will be home so we are planning a small get together with some friends.

For the past 39 years I have had black eyed peas, ham, rice and collard greens on New Years Day. (Typical Southern tradition supposed to bring good luck, money and fertility) This year I want to do something different! To celebrate 2010, we are having chili and cornbread. A little unusual and I am sure rather strange in my Mother's eyes, but it will be fun.

So what about you? What are your plans for this New Year's Eve? What are your traditions? Are you doing anything different this year?

artwork courtesy of


Anonymous said...

This year we are having the traditional ham, fresh blackeyed peas, some smashed sweet potatoes, and a broccoli/cauliflower casserole. I am sure that I will be posting pictures and recipes for the whole affair. We don't feel safe enough in LA to venture out, so we will stay home, play some games, talk about what God has done for us this year, and watch the ball drop. I hope you have a wonderful New Year, with a new tradition!!

Cecile said...

Happy New Year!!!!

lillinda said...

Hi Michelle,
Some how, I lost your email address. Yes, I would be interested in a bible study. It might be just what I am looking for.

lillinda said...

Hi Michelle,
Yes, I would like to attend a bible study, maybe this is what I am looking for.
Somehow, I lost your email address.

Debbie said...

My New Years Eve was quiet, other than the tremendous amount of fireworks being shot around the neighborhood. My girls were off with their friends, I sure didn't expect two 23 year olds to stay home with dear old mom and my hubby was working. It was a nice time to just relax, but I sure did miss everyone. For New Years day we did something difference this year also, we had morrocan chicken along with the traditional greens and cornbread, it was really good.