Friday, February 15, 2008

Thumb prints

Marissa has been fascinated by thumbprint drawings ever since she discovered " Ed Emberley's Great Thumbprint Drawing Book" She can grab that book, some paper, an ink pad and a black pen and be entertained for hours! She made me the cutest little card last night, with a girl thumprint person singing (that was me) and a boy thumbprint lifting weights (that was Daddy). Then she made a thumbprint heart and added an arrow. It was just precious!


Debbie said...

Hi Sweetie!
I love your thumbprints - that is so creative. You did wonderful job. I miss you so much & I love you. I like the pictures of you & Lucas. He is a cutie!

I can't wait to see you, I sure hope it isn't too long.

Love, Aunt Debbie