Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

We went to the beach to stay with Mom and PaPa for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. It was so much fun! We started the evening off with a Low Country boil. YUMMY! I was shocked to learn that my inlaws had never experienced this delicacy, but I guess it makes sense since they have not lived in the Low Country until now! I just feel bad that we have not exposed them to our culture before now, I mean,'s been nearly 13 years........moving on......
Jamie helped Paul with the cooking and serving, and we all helped with the eating! Needless to say, it was delicious, just like every other time. Just spicy enough, big fat shrimp fresh from the boat that morning, what more could a girl want? (Of course I overindulged and later reeeeeeealy wanted an Alka-Seltzer, but that's another story...)

And of course Papa cooked his famous hush puppies!!!!

Later that night Riss and Daddy popped some snaps on the corner...did I mention it was about 32 degrees???? But nothing stops the fun!

After warming up, Riss helped Gram make the pigs in a blanket. It just isn't New Year's without pigs, according to Jamie and Riss!

After pigging out again (no pun intended) we watched the crazy men on TV doing stunts until midnight. Did anyone else see this? The crazy guy trying to get his pickup truck to do a 360 jump and the guy on the motorcycle going 10 stories up and then riding on top of a building before freefalling 5 stories back down onto a little ramp? NUTBALLS!!!!!!!Anyway, soon it was time for the fireworks. There is nothing like fireworks on the beach. No buildings in the way, no lights, it is just an awesome sight!

After the fireworks, we all went to bed. I checked on Riss about 2 minutes later, and this is what I found.

Happy New Year everybody!!!!!


Debbie said...

I am so jealous! Time with Mom, fireworks on the beach, Low Country Boil and Papa's DELICOUS hush puppies!
